Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I think I've watched/read/or listened to anything twilight related way too much. WAY too much. It's unfortunate that I spend most of my time with something that has nothing to do with college, while exams are lurking in every corner. I've decided that this just became unhealthy. Of course I do too many things that are unhealthy. For instance, cigarettes. I'm not saying that I smoke a pack a day, but when shim told us to press some muscle near your jugular, it hurt. I guess it has to do with your lungs. Good. I would also say that my sleeping, eating, and other daily habits aren't very healthy. Wow, I just sounded like I meant daily hygiene. That's good, I swear. Moving on. I dyed my hair again. It's black. I'm almost certain it will fade again. Oh well. I almost like that it fades, I get to change my hair color without soaking my hair in chemicals. That, may I add, is also extremely unhealthy. On a different note I start working tomorrow. Although I can't complain that I will be making money, I thoroughly enjoyed being lazy. Oy, Add that to the unhealthy list, laziness. Although, I guess walking from one end of campus to the other (1.6 miles) multiple times a day, doesn't add to the laziness, especially when your humanities professor let's you out of class 7 mins late, and your next class a mile and a half away starts in 3 mins, and the t just left. That's my favorite part of my thursday's actually. I love Wex, but seriously, the classroom is not a party, and I don't like being late.

Well, I'm going to read Midnight Sun.

Alysse Nicole.

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